Monday, September 20, 2010

My Beginnings

My mom and dad came by today with a box of old photos of me. Ohhhh man, these pics are great! My favorites are shown below and actually tell a lot about who I am and how my life on wings all began.

1. See that guy with the blue blockers and the stache? That’s my dad, he is a BALLAAA!!! Pretty sure that was the day I realized I would fall in love with skiing.
2. That’s an ET onesy (that red thing I'm wearing). ET rode on a a basket...and made the bike fly! See what I mean here? I was born to live a life on wings long before Red Bull existed.
3. I started chasing girls at a young age. She may have been a little older...and on a bike...but that plastic 3 wheeler I had did work!
4. I was pretty G from a young age. Side ways jacket...2 different that a gun in my hand? Gangstaaaaaa!
5. As far back as I can remember I loved being in the air. It didn’t matter if my dad was throwing me up, or if I was flying in a plane, or if I was just jumping on my tramp. I just love being up there!
6. You know what I wished for right there? Me either, but I’ve been making wishes all my life, and making them come true. Also I love that wicked awesome Lake Tahoe hat I’m wearing, and I swear the genie from Aladdin lived in that crazy gold tea set on the other end of that coffee table.
7. My lil sis and I broke our arms on the same day. We broke the same arm and same bone, crazy day! She was crossing the monkey bars...I decided to jump from our upstairs down onto our lovesack...ya that didn’t work out so well for me. Where were my wings there?
8. I learned at a young age to break the rules. Yep that’s my dad and his buddy cutting my cast after only having it on for like 2 days.
9. Haha, that was my first dirt bike ever. 1982 KDX 80. My moms friend was going to throw it away and I was like “no ways son!...give it to me!” I changed the spark plug and it worked fine.


Maura Jackson said...

i now feel like i know the real scott peart. this post was enlightening!! loved it!

Jeffrey Transtrum said...

Dang! Dennis is doing work in that stache!

I hope this comment is viewed in a completely asexual way, but that dude in the background is working those jeans out! No offense Scotty, but those jeans stole my attention. Wait, now I cant stop looking at the mustache. There's just too much good stuff in this pic!

Kaydee said...

I have never seen this pic of me and you in our casts. We were so cool. I wish my hair was still that blond. What a fun CRAZY day that was. Love all the pics, you were totally cut out for a life on wings.

The Faller's! said...

Scottee you are so dang hilarious and witty! I love looking at old pictures and remembering the good ol' times! Thanks...great post! You have inspired me to update my blog...coming soon!