Thursday, October 14, 2010

Me and My Hats

I’ve worn hats as far back as I can remember. Its not like I was ever trying to hide anything. 
From newest to oldest (plus there are 8 more in my room I didn't take a picture because they are kinda nasty)...and don't worry that I gave Tate that Red Bull hat. You owe me buddy!

I mean look at all these pics. I had nice voluptuous hair all my life. Now might be a different story, but back when I started wearing hats, I was golden.

It all started at such a young age, that now they are just part of me. 
See what I mean, always wearing hats

The best is when I meet people and I’m wearing a hat, then I see them a week later and I’m not wearing a hat. I’ll be like “yo whats up?”. Nine out of ten times they are like who is this guy? Its pretty ridiculous, but super funny! I love all hats, but right now all I represent are New Era 7 ¼’s. 

Winter is coming up so I’ll probably start making some beenies, yep I said making beenies. Lets just say I’ve been know to crochet a beenie or two…or seven, when winter comes around. 
I made that ish
I’m hoping my future wife and I will be able to incorporate hats into our wedding theme, but like I’ve always said, “what eva she wants, she gets”. Soooo…probably going to have to do my hair at my wedding.
Not totally out of the question...right?


Kaydee said...


Maybe you have always worn hats to try and hide that big head of yours haha JK. But seriously the picture of you as a kid in the striped shirt, your head is so big haha. You were such a cute little guy, always as happy as can be. I hope the wifey lets you wear a hat because that would totally fit you. It would be awesome.

Maura Jackson said...

Out of all the time I have spent with you, I think I've only seen you without a hat like 7 times, give or take. The hat definitely is part of the Scotty P definition.

Emily said...

Favorite picture: bottom left with the gold chain.

Hawk said...

dude, confession; when I saw you in San Fran at H-Dazs without a hat for the first time I was like,'who is this guy?' ha ha You nailed it.